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Timelessly "Advanced styling" by Allyson Fanger includes JARED JAMIN w/ Lily Tomlin's Frankie in Grace & Frankie

Out with 'the New' & In with 'the Old' - is what's New.  

Ever since Allyson decided what clothing and accessories the groundbreaking empty-nesters Grace & Frankie would hatch up organically as characters, and as more women tuned into the easy-to-access Streamer, Netflix - the clear center in the middle of the kaleidoscope of options presented itself and Allyson clearly passed through it's opportunity. Having sensed this expressive chance, Allyson pulled from the kinds of stores like Harari in Beverly Hills -on the corner of Brighton & Bedford- where she discovered jewelry & accessory designers like JARED JAMIN. These pieces for Frankie would reveal and establish that gracefully aging women weren't expected to fade into the obscurity of neutral mauves and beiges, but could be as bold as the prints and statement jewelry offered by Harari. Each passing season of the show gave tacit permission to women outside of New York, Miami, Houston, Dallas and Atlanta to contribute and borrow from the burgeoning fashion sensibility brought about by the likes of Iris Aphel and Daphne Guinness, and les esprits of CZ GuestDiana Vreeland, Paloma Picasso, Isabella Blow all of whom have helped cement what is now accepted as - Advanced Style.


lily tomlin jane fonda graceandfrankie agate wire necklace

Shondaland Interview  

Allyson answered in this interview that for Grace & Frankie, "I often use St. John Knits, Ralph Lauren, Carolina Herrera, Brooks Brothers, and Margaret O'Leary for the best beach cashmere. She’s just got all this fantastic cashmere. Her stuff is gorgeous. I love it — so classy (for Grace). And for Frankie, I’m all over the place. I do a lot of vintage for Frankie. I go to a vintage popup thing here in Los Angeles where every vendor comes from all over the nation. I do a big shop there for her. Her designers are Harari for fancy looks, Alembika, and Bryn Walker. A lot of her jewelry is handmade by Adina Mills."


lily tomlin jane fonda graceandfrankie agate buddah silver earrings


Show's Background

The background on the show for those playing catch up is as follows. For as long as they can recall, Grace and Frankie have been rivals. Their one-upmanship comes crashing to a halt, however, when they learn that their husbands have fallen in love with each other and want to get married. As everything around the ladies is coming apart, the only thing they can really rely on is each other. This Netflix original re-teams Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin ("9 to 5") as Grace and Frankie, respectively, bringing their chemistry to the small screen. It's a casting reunion on a grand scale, as Tomlin is reunited with her co-star from "The West Wing," Martin Sheen, who plays Grace's husband, Robert. And Fonda is back with Sam Waterston, her co-star from "The Newsroom," who plays Frankie's husband, Sol.


Show's nominations & awards 

2018 Emmys 
1 nomination
2018 NAACP Image 
1 nomination
2017 Emmys 
2 nominations



A shared love of world travel, art, style, and vintage clothing brought together owners Barbara Keller and Dan Harari in 1979 where they crossed paths at an obscure flea market. Shortly after, Barbara and Dan shared their collective international experiences to create their own line of clothing consisting of unusual and exotic prints and vibrantly colored luxurious textiles.

This vibrant duo launched The Harari Collection, clothing infused with Pan-Pacific cultural art and passion. As the designer, Barbara Keller’s inspiration for The Harari Collection came from her love of Japanese kimonos, exotic gardens, nature's amusements and the diverse cultures of her many travels.

The Harari Collection is showcased in Harari’s boutique among an unusual mix of clothing, wovens and knits and statement jewelry from local - like JARED JAMIN, and international designer artisans.

With a mixture of bold prints, Harari has positioned itself as a leader in timeless fashion for distinctive lifestyles for over 30 years and continues to be an international destination for women seeking exoticly bold prints and uniquely timeless silhouettes.


In Conclusion

JARED JAMIN's statement jewelry has been carried at Harari well before the first episode of Grace & Frankie in 2015 and is still available there smartly styled by Barbara herself and both her and Dan's erstwhile sales & visual merchandising team.

So, limit yourself to nothing, chose a timeless style from now or the past and take your time with it becoming eclectic firstly, then paring it down... while remembering to "know thyself and to thine own self be true.'

After all, everyone mentioned in this post, who has been creating boundless Fashion choices or culling pieces for their clients, knows having a sense of Advanced Style means that what's old is 'Knew'.


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